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How TV screen affects life 4

TVs, like many other types of screens, are all around us. They entertain and at times drain your energy. Here is a series of short annotated articles on how to balance your life and yourself vis-à-vis Television, and at times, other types of entertainment on screens. Stay with ifilm website.

Avoiding Television is almost inevitable for most people as they stay tuned for hours. That includes virtually every family member, from the kids to the grandparents. It has both upsides and downsides.

Let’s continue with the children in part 4 of this series, as our next generation is what we all take utmost care about, even more than what we do for ourselves.

In the previous part, you read about some of the pros and cons of watching TV for your kids. Here is more.

Watching programs on the screen might instigate violence among kids. They could even go beyond that, promoting alcohol, drug use and evil stuff. The white slate of your child’s soul is vulnerable to being affected, and actually, infected.

Furthermore, the negative effect will most probably continue into adulthood, and form their behavior in the future. Decades-long research have suggested that children exposed to violence will behave more aggressively when they are grownups.

That is what TV brings to your homes when unsuitable channels introduce violence as a means of resolving conflicts or when the hero bashes a bad guy to subdue him.

By exposing your kids to animations and cartoons, on the other hand, you will see the painkilling effect and the soothing experience they bring about. That is based on research results already published.

Therefore, entertainment, especially the positive type, can be a source of tranquility and relief to your children, who are possibly stressed out or are suffering pain.

There will be more on screens and children in the future parts of this series of articles. You can read the next part right here next week.

